Every man rankings for Bavaria and Thuringia
So, I have the collection and evaluation of amateur and everyman's race in Bavaria and Thuringia, 2010 had been completed. Unfortunately, especially in Thuringia were still missing some results - I speak of "ghost race." Why organize some race organizers to present but no results?? Would be additional Advertising, if you would provide a great race report and results, then the following year would probably be some more drivers at the start.
The races are listed in the second table. In addition to the "everybody's cup" I've ever filtered out a "hobby-Cup". Interesting here is that somehow are only 3 races in the amateur standings in Thuringia. While Hobby and C race in Thuringia are so threatened apparently extinction is of the organizers all the more set to every man race where you can since March 2010, hobby-and C-driver at the same time start in a single race, and higher entry fee than license race may determine. Laudatory way it should be mentioned that the startup money illusion, we experience some everyman's race in Germany, in the most races in Thuringia has not kept feeding.
interesting finding in Bavaria: Without Jedermannrennen Maik Hamann is "only" at # 2;)
The rankings and the scoring system are available on my web site for Download . The rating system may also be used like other states. Would be found for each province one who evaluates all, you could even combine the results to a national ranking;)
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