Monday, November 29, 2010

Ikusa.otome.suvia Vol04

continue's with interesting photo-literature: landscape and nature

published in June, a review in which I presented interesting portrait picture books. After I spoke to now a participant in the last day and asked for photo books, great scenery, I noticed again, continue to write here!

My choice here refers mainly to the following books about Scotland and other parts of Britain, which springs from my passion for Scotland. Most of these books are in English, as though the photograph is important, they should be for something rusty school English well understood.

A very large book is "Spectacular Scotland by James Gracie. Most of the shots are really great and will be seen by the large size of the book great advantage.

Much smaller but no less impressive is the next book by author David Lyons, that the imaginative name "Scotland" with. Packed with great pictures, which provide a good cross-section of Scotland.

One of my absolute favorite moment is Joe Cornish. He has a number of publications, which are all worth seeing, but I would like two to pick out here: "Scotland's coast - A Photographer's Journey" and "Scotland's mountains - a landscape photographer's view". This offer - particularly in combination - an excellent indication of the diversity of Scottish landscape. Joe Cornish still works analog, mainly to 4x5 "large format film, mostly on slide. If you leaf through these books come at a more than once the idea of the digital SLR but to leave home and again the old large-format giants to drag ... My absolute tip!

Joe Cornish has also participated in the two following books. "Working the Light - a landscape photography masterclass" and "Developing vision and style - a master class in landscape photography" are really textbooks. In my eyes its educational value is far below the quality and variety of sample images is shown. Two excellent books that call to each shot and the main camera settings. Tip!

Also highly recommended I think Ian Cameron "Transient light - a photographic guide to capturing the medium". Although intended as a textbook, this book also shows an abundance of great landscape photography. Many of them were photographed in an area in the east of Scotland, which in other books on injustice is often neglected. Cameron also photographed primarily analog, but rather he chooses a compromise between sharpness and mobility and is therefore working on 6x7cm medium format film.

Another one is designed as a textbook Band Peter Watson's "Capturing the Light - an inspirational and instructional guide to landscape photography. He also shows mainly analog photographed images that are often created with large format or medium format cameras. However, if only from the title (and from which the above these books) is quickly apparent that the camera and lens selection are rather marginal. It is more about the landscape in the best light each record. This is the lifeblood of landscape photography. can

All of these books I really recommend! And if any of you in times one or the other would look inside, let me know and come by for a coffee in my studio!

Soon I will have some books on the subject of photographic art imagine. So take a look often here on the blog over!

- Martin -


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