Friday, December 31, 2010

2009 Ski-doo Tundra Problems

Falk Logistics Management is planning to move the district court hall

The relocation of the district court hall to be held in March 2011.

is planned relocation of 110 jobs, as well as the Library and Archives move along with the new assignment plan for these areas.

Thank you for your order!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best Rock Climbing Brand

status update, review of seasonal and season preview

Today I was almost the first time went to the gym and had my general-athletic power program started. But when I recently wanted to ever dare to enter, but then stopped me from something (I think I just had no desire to do nothing or something, hehe). Today, I suddenly had a cramp in left calf muscle. If I had yesterday trained force would have been a possible explanation, but I do not know where that came from. The problem is that the right has not been resolved and the muscle feels generally not as good. Maybe something hard. Hopefully there are points of no serious muscular problems.

including the setting up of the Hobby-RG I have not even been a season review. It is still winter break, one would think. But the translations and, finally, the tax returns have kept me busy. Slowly but surely I will begin the season but looking back, so the blog will not completely snowed here.

A season preview is followed then. And then certainly will include the theme of the suffering blessed scheduling conflicts. Some of this I can now get rid of already.

fall in May, the everyman's race in the eastern Thuringia Tour Karbach and on the same day. Since the distance between the two places is quite large, however, one can say nothing here against the organizers. Simply a duplication that is annoying for me personally. Last year, crossed the everyman's race in the East-Thuringia Tour with Cadolzburg. In the end, but not so bad as each man races in Thuringia actually C-races - Hobby drivers are there now in short supply!

Also in May, was originally the date for the race at Landshut. I do not Wartenberg, but Buch am Erlbach. Although the name is not the same as before, why would I not so sure that it is in fact the well-known in the past few years racing in Buch am Erlbach, but the deadline was originally placed well. But there was unfortunately some unknown reason, the reservation, which now causes an overlap with Greiz-Pohlitz. With over 3 hours difference between the two race types but certainly nothing back, for which one could criticize the organizers. Lovers of the race for points at the need Erlbach but generally still waiting for the tender, since no race in the hobby at the Association submitted plans is included.

The first weekend in July has now relaxed somewhat, but remains only the initiation of the silly season - or almost. Vaterstetten wandered onto second weekend in July, but still the fourth weekend in July as an alternative date. Both appointments would be free - that is, of course they were free. Down to the first weekend in July, held at the traditional and Strullendorf Altenkunstadt for years, and July is for amateur riders, including the radloseste month of the competition season. At least if one is stranded in northeastern Bavaria. If so read along any event here: If it makes you worry about a suitable date on which you have to fear her no competition, then it tries with a July date;)

I stick to the theme of the first of July weekend, because as clenching In the first season planning so many things. The Franconia-tour was canceled. Instead, now held in early May, the Bavarian road championship. Whether there will be something for amateur drivers, is open and in my opinion rather questionable. Would be nice, because that would mean a longer race, which had not been the case if we had held the race on the traditional "Strullendorf Race Day".

Despite the cancellation of the Franconia-tour and the displacement of Vaterstetten there is still a collision with Coschütz. 2006-2008 Coschütz wandered in calendar always cheerful about, without colliding with any other racing events. 2009 moved the Date again, but collided for the first time - namely Strullendorf. "At some point had to happen even once, when the race held every year on another weekend," I thought to myself only. To my negative surprises was moved not 2010, but they remained at the schedule conflict with Strullendorf. Unfortunately, the VRV Plauen and 2011 has again planned this date collision. Just a shame. Some organizers plan to race, others plan to conflicting schedules - what's this? My dream would be now that you moved up the hobby of racing in Strullendorf to the start of the event by 11 clock. As you race in the hobby that is always on Coschütz end of the event does, could to combine both races together. That would be like a great preparation for the Napoleon Cup with its two stages per day;)

clenches In August, the second weekend so a lot: Altdorf, Kulmbach, Dachau, Hesselberg - who in mid-August as a recreational rider in Bavaria, no race can place, then the help is not too;)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rugby Rookie Drinking Games

hibernation in Lindencarree - Merry Christmas!

The cold brakes NCC, not even the first snow was an obstacle. But then the weather refilling neat and lame with a lot of snow not only the city down, NCC also has closed the building. It's just too smooth and too dangerous. It will be yes no injuries. So now prevails in hibernation Lindencarreé. Let's see when it can go on.
But what happened in the meantime? It went a little further. The windows were installed and are still on the roof Foil and the roof battens on it. Thus, the house is reasonably tight. The number of snow we received in recent days and weeks remain outside. The question is whether the moisture from the inside out, too. But I trust in NCC, which are already know what they do.

Here is a picture of the state of things:

The windows come from the company Mahrenholz and we have chosen the model ClimaPlus with 3-way glazing. We hope that this additional investment pays off through lower heating costs. In addition, we have chosen for roller shutters on the upper floor, this is the safety and the thermal protection Serve in both summer and winter.

As written, the roof battens, including the vapor barrier already built. Sorry, missing roof tiles to complete the roof. But there is in this weather too slick on the roof. The risk to the roofer is too large. We still have to wait until the weather gets better. Until then, forms the roof and the snow looks pretty nice too, right?

The insulation of the facade was still planned for this year. For this disturbing but less snow than on the negative temperatures.

The winter is the site that is under control and has everything to what he has to hinder the progress. Let's see how long he holds it. Now is also but first Christmas vacation until next year.

So I will remain involved in the building all to wish all readers and future neighbors Merry Christmas and a few nice holidays and a happy new year. Recover well, enjoy the winter weather and a white Christmas.

We look forward to next year. Then will also be built again, and hopefully we can move in the summer.

the construction Reported

Who's Bollywood Actress Has Smallest Boobs


announced via press release, the drivers of our new hobby racing community team during the winter break will be presented in detail to ... know it from spring all exactly who they get to do it;)

Stefan has sent forward me why my reading from today to study on the team website is. Otherwise, I'll

taxiing now well again after I had to shorten my original 5-day "training camp rolls on 4 days. It snowed in the house ... uh, no. Nonsense. My body has been ailing a bit, so I immediately pulled the emergency brake. After 3 days of rest I feel slow now fit for a casual role-training during the Cup game on television. After that, it looks a bit bleak. Winter break in football, ski jumping will continue until after Christmas ... I must go to be creative!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tay Du Ky Online 2010

and on we go with the tattoo project

Another candidate for my tattoo project was Alex. Since he now has several tattoos, I had not been shot at a particular location, but wanted to be flexible to work in the studio and possibly build another setup from an old brick wall.

However, I wanted the studio does not begin with a "normal" light up. So I built a ring of light as the main light, which consists of 16-60W incandescent bulbs and is not dimmable. When I received the correct distance from light source was determined to model, I made a test recording first to see how much light the background would collect even more. Satisfied with the background brightness, I built a 28 "softbox on a boom that was to provide an angle as a separation light from above him for an appearance on his head and shoulders. Again, I made a Testaufname to make sure that this flash the background . would not affect too much see the two test shots can be found here:

Very clearly you can see here the two very different color temperatures in the upper picture I left the white balance to daylight. so I could well see the light color. In the lower picture I already put the white balance to match the color temperature of the main light in order to evaluate the color contrast between foreground to background, the better.

saw the first recording with Alex like this:

photographed after minimal light changes, we have some more pictures:

And to show that he is not as bad as it appears on one or the other picture here does, is here's the proof:

A second lighting setup was built, this time a much more "typical". We put the main light up front and used for the softbox, which previously acted as a separation light. This was very close positions on Alex to effect of a strong light fall. She was sitting practically just outside the image field. To enhance the contrast of the image further, two black Styrofoam walls as close as possible to put the side of Alex. This ensured that the contours of the body were a little darkened and an even better separation of body and background is applied.

but I still prefer the studio working on location, we moved but still for a few shots to the outside. As background, I chose an old brick wall, which had a great structure.

To the light mood of pure natural light to test, I made a test shot as it pretended my light meter. After a negative correction came a further test shot that showed how much the ambient light was now under-exposed. The third image in the example will show the final exposure settings with flash.

The flash was fitted with a snoot, which threw a round beam at the wall and prozudierte the harsh shadows. If I had not wanted the harsh shadows, I would have a softbox with honeycomb or use only been with recessed front diffuser can. But I wanted the shadow to integrate into the picture. But since work harsh shadows on faces usually ugly, I asked Alex, looking directly into the flash.

The figure below shows the planned Image:

liked the light me as really very good, but I noticed now that even his tattoo on his right side was met and therefore the light from the wrong side of him. So I built the light around so that the main light was left of the camera.

order here but the cue slightly to align the studio recordings, I provided the flash with a filter film that warmed the flash to 3200K. Below you see a white balance Testaufname by day, showing the strong orange color. Second, you can see below the test firing, the final cue, as the white balance with incandescent lamps:

These two images come directly so out of the camera. One sees clearly that the cool color again dominated the points are struck by lightning but neutral. The areas that lie in the shadow of the flash and are therefore exposed only by the light, show a strong blue cast. Following her

see the finished image. Vignette and contrasts have been strengthened, taken off his jacket, so that the tattoo looks good and I asked Alex, again to look directly into the flash. Thus I switched not only ugly shadows on the face, but also ensured that his entire face gets the correct color.


To another look without a lot of construction work, I reduced the distance of the previous principal light strong and the comb was replaced by a rectangular spot attachment. This now only met the tattooed arm. The first test shot below shows the result: a properly exposed arm, the rest of the picture very under and stained blue. The right image shows the next shot, when I added a another fire, did likewise with a warm tone filter film with a honeycomb directly to Alex's face addressed. So now show only the face and tattooing the correct color, everything else keeps the underexposed Blue.

In the next example, you can see the impact that a longer exposure time on the final result. The areas struck by lightning are the same bright, but the darker areas appear much brighter now. With this increase of the ambient light but will also give the flash exposed areas a higher proportion of blue and should be corrected.

Since I already liked the light mood while quite good, but the color did not suit, I chose a black and white conversion. This was mainly due to Alex's left arm, which does not illuminated by lightning, has also been reproduced in a very blue and the skin tone was very ugly.

has definitely been fun again, and Alex has so willingly endure it ... :-) We continue with the project!

- Martin -

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Kind Of Recurve Bow Do I Need

training camp + race dates

Currently, I'm virtually a "roll-training camp" - the appropriate live sports broadcasts on television is thanks. From next week it might even once again on the road, the temperatures are to develop "positive." Over the next week I should be sometimes slow to start with the 10 tickets in the gym so when I am not yet able to motivate unloved strength training.

The race dates are some of the new season in Thuringia and Saxony remains a mystery. and believe should be the end of November really is - has apparently not yet widely spread that the registration deadline is now uniformly via rad-net. In Bavaria, it also looks like that one there as opposed to the revised definition for BDR Jedermannrennen noticed, but if that is really in Thuringia and Saxony all be in races, then good night! Only in Thuringia I count just 10 race dates.

But what is bad in Bavaria: the BRV (Bavarian State Association) to maintain because of the uniform application of rad-net apparently no longer necessary to publish a calendar with the planned racing classes. For this is the great weakness of rad-net: As long as the call is not out there, no one knows which are scheduled to race categories in each race events race. This makes the race planning any easier, but this is mainly due to the few new races a problem. For most traditional races can be largely be sure that the same race categories are operated as in previous years. These races are then also in the personal race calendar, the new races are not the first time scheduled. It should be just in the interest of the new race that you do early on to point out which classes you offer something to you then have a very high number of participants. If neither BDR BRV still be able to communicate the planned racing classes have finished, the corresponding operator should probably just take advantage of the Internet as a communication medium. But what do I know? Maybe even do some new operators not too many participants in the inaugural race have their ...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dissolvable Stitches Infections

Studio Setup

Once again I want to show you a test photo, which I photographed in my studio. Model I was again Ursel, which she, of course from the blog knows this already.

Here I have a light setup built up, which I wanted to try out for my tattoo project. For that I had planned to work with "unusual" light sources, so a homemade ring light and two fluorescent tubes were used. The fluorescent lights were fixed on two vertical stands and left and right, slightly behind Ursel, positioned as rays of light. The ring light was the main light.

For the project I would like S / W images photographed with the setup, thus making the question of different color temperatures is irrelevant. In our case here, however, I left the image in the color version so you can see well the different colors of light. A photo of the Setup you see here:

was my first plan to get a nice big ring reflex in Ursel's eyes, which requires a small distance from light source to model. The problem however was that - since neither ring light or fluorescent tubes are controlled in their performance - the brightness of the lights are controlled by the distance must be. When I had the right distance for a nice eye reflex, I placed the bulbs as close as possible to Ursel to obtain as much light output. Before recording, I have every lamp individually measured, since I wanted to have the rays of light from 0.5 to 1 screen brighter than the main light. The measurement showed, however, that we obtained with these intervals a 1:1 lighting ratio. As a result, we no longer perceive the rays of light as such, since they are lost in the general lighting. The color shift caused by the different light sources does not so much a day on which we will now receive a light mixture in which both colors are equally mixed.

The result on the display confirmed the light meter. I, too, the background was too dark, because I wanted them with this test, a much cooler color mood. To Highlights right to work out and burn in the background without any further light source brighter, I increased the distance of the main light, which unfortunately led to a much smaller light reflex in the eye, but I had to take this into account. Another measuring now showed that the rays of light illuminated on the aperture and so were clearly visible. Also, the background appeared much brighter now. Below you can see the exposure test with the updated settings.

For a quick recording I liked this light but very good. So I decided in this image is still processing a sample and make it here to show the blog. The end result is for my taste to weichgespühlt, I usually prefer something more modulating illumination and edits. I began by aligning lighter and darker skin together, so as to obtain a more even complexion. When traveling with your mouse over the image you see the before-after comparison.

Then followed a slight color correction of skin tone, and the Order digital makeup. Here, too, please go back with the mouse over the image to see the before-after comparison.

The next step was a slight increase in contrast and the cooling of the colors to get the cooler look. And also move your mouse over the image.

In the final processing step, but now I increased the yellowness of the skin again, and led by a slight transformation of her right eye and mouth. Finally, I added a slight lightening of the skin added. Here again the conclusion is the final image, also in the before-after-Version:

As I said, I usually am of the opinion that it is not should be as much work on a portrait, but here I think shows how easy it can still change a complete portrait. How far you go here, everyone must decide for themselves.

- Martin -

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bosch Dishwasher Cycle Problems

Whoa, age ... fat, hey ... ;)

I'm currently quite surprised that I am in that I now only train on the roll, had suddenly increased 2 kg and 80 kg carrying around. What is it? It's always shocking how quickly you can gain weight. But losing weight ... eieieieieieiei ...

In comparison, last year I had the beginning of December 78 kg. By early February, I had even then again as 79 to 79.5 kg, but was 80 actually a rarely seen figure on the scale. Eat less candy? CERTAINLY NOT !!!!!!!!! :)

But no matter. So I have, in effect, just more energy, I can overdo the next few weeks in the gym and hopefully in January / February for road training.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Balloons Decoration Ideas Home Back Yard

Even in the snow is built. And

How do you know that NCC is a Scandinavian company?

1) in the weeks before Christmas are all employees to Santa Claus in which they must craft gifts and wrap

2) in winter conditions, construction workers go first in the sauna

3) it is also built in ice and snow

right, there will be further built through ice and snow.

Since it can still be so cold, anything can be built forever. And NCC seems to have a deal with the weatherman. Shortly before it was really cold, the works could be completed, requiring positive temperatures. The gable had still surround them.

And then it went to double digits with temperatures below freezing and also during the day! In this period the preparations were for the roof begin. The truss was attached and now the building already looks like a house.

parallel to the chimney should have been built. There was then but still too cold. There will now continue with the windows. The temperatures are moderate indeed seems to get so it should be possible. This will show whether the temperature in the house will be better again and also the chimney can be built.

I'll keep an eye and keep you informed. Just before Christmas it is supposed to be really cold again. If by then the house "to" is?

Meanwhile, the last two houses are about to be sold, ie is a new neighbor. Let's hope that love and nice neighbors.

the construction Reported

Has Anyone Had Intraocular Lens Implant

Yes, yes, the weather ...

The temperatures are finally back in the positive range, so you could actually collect again valuable road miles. Unfortunately, it's raining. This alone is not the problem because of the thawing snow is still such a thing. On the streets should not indeed be so many places where one could slip away due to a thin, barely discernible slush layer, but when training has kicked me really fast, because the little bit of snow match was soaked already so that it is transparent and thus do not recognize was. Once

stop the rain, the temperatures are stupid enough to decline to well below zero. Then the question is how far you out there can do sports / should. Last year I had it when training times and tried with a scarf around the mouth, but that has only hindered and not really what used. Skiing in the ox-head's face during the descent was almost a block of ice. So I dug out my old tennis racket after all, ever. In the next few weeks so I will probably again play tennis in the hall, but above all I will slowly start with strength training in the gym. Had so far not in the mood and I've also tinkered no plan.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hottest Most Unrated Movies

Planning 2011

As written, I am now in the acute phase of planning for the workshops in the coming months. To more accurately to be, I'm sitting in the design of some of Tripp's photo and photo tours - I would like to offer this area that is now reinforced.

First, there is my beloved Scotland. Now that for us in southern Germany, air fares to Edinburgh have become really more than affordable, I will definitely this year 1-2 short trips to Scotland to offer. That I may in the short time it can also lead to the right places at the right time, I have just booked me for the first flight next year. In February I am going to adjust on-site scouting for a location and leave the country generously, so that ye in the early summer / autumn forward to a photo Tripp to the Scottish Highlands can!

The second excursion, however, is easily reached by car: it is going to Ticino, more precisely Verzasca Valley. This valley north of Locarno is famous for its many waterfalls, fantastic rock formations and crystal clear water. Only 350km away, is the Verzasca a unique river landscape.

Both destinations can of course be delighted already submitted expressions of interest ... ;-)

I hope you have a nice holiday season and will soon be back some pictures - I promise!

- Martin -

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Extensions With Brown Hair With Blonde Highlights

Site Launch WADA list and snag

morning at 12 clock is our new website for Team online. There is not much more to say - look just drop by;)

Thursday, I then look over at the dentist, so my stitches are removed. On the role I am training again since Sunday, though of course always an appropriate, sports television must exist - otherwise I do not put me on the boring, annoying part! The foundation does everything at least not as good, is that clear. The training volume is reduced by all to perhaps 150 km, at best, 200 km per week. And the individual units go only between 40 and 50 km - unless it would ski jumping once again be longer delays. But then when the TV goes away from ski jumping, I use the delay again nothing. course is not all that great, but in December and January, this will continue well an extent. In essence, this is not sufficient for the hobby class, because most races are finally below 40 km, so the basis for amateur race should be so at all events. And as soon as the temperatures play, it will be again 2.5 to 3 hours on the bike, which corresponds to 70 to 80 km with me. It was fortunate that I did not prepare for a season in the licensing area is required, because then my current role units would obviously not enough;)

Looking at the BDR-site I have some thoughts to the - looked uninteresting News (but only so aus'm corner of the eye), where I noticed that there is a new WADA Prohibited List for download are - as usual. As long as this new list of non-kebab and Whopper are prohibited me this list as a hobby driver can of course be plenty of care. :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Treadmill Safe Upstairs

Falk Logistics Management wins 2 new customers

We look forward very excited about the new design contracts the company Merck KGaA in Darmstadt and the DFS German Air Navigation Services in layers. Thank you!

Attending contact is Peter Kretschmann.

Burst Capillaries Near Lips

Neumöbelmontage at Tyco Electronics AMP GmbH

About 400 new jobs will be at the new location of Tyco Electronics AMP GmbH fit in Darmstadt. Our client is the office furniture company Kühn GmbH in Frankfurt, the installation of office furniture, we will conduct in-house. Thank you for your order!

Breast Milk Streaming

The Wind River pulls GmbH Falk logistics management to

On 3 and 4 December 2010, the move from Wind River GmbH in Ismaning, with our support in their new offices. These are distinguished by some 120 jobs moved. In addition to "normal" office move with Möbelde and reassembly as ancillary areas such as laboratories, equipment rooms, conference and training rooms to be moved.
We also provide in the move nor the following additional services: IT services, packing work, cleaning of furniture and land, destruction of documents, old furniture and Mischgutentsorgung. The logistics planning took
Andreas Falk, care and removal control is performed by Peter Kretschmann. The forwarding is performed by the support from Hanley & Schildmann moving logistics GmbH. were

Ikusa.otome.suvia Vol04

continue's with interesting photo-literature: landscape and nature

published in June, a review in which I presented interesting portrait picture books. After I spoke to now a participant in the last day and asked for photo books, great scenery, I noticed again, continue to write here!

My choice here refers mainly to the following books about Scotland and other parts of Britain, which springs from my passion for Scotland. Most of these books are in English, as though the photograph is important, they should be for something rusty school English well understood.

A very large book is "Spectacular Scotland by James Gracie. Most of the shots are really great and will be seen by the large size of the book great advantage.

Much smaller but no less impressive is the next book by author David Lyons, that the imaginative name "Scotland" with. Packed with great pictures, which provide a good cross-section of Scotland.

One of my absolute favorite moment is Joe Cornish. He has a number of publications, which are all worth seeing, but I would like two to pick out here: "Scotland's coast - A Photographer's Journey" and "Scotland's mountains - a landscape photographer's view". This offer - particularly in combination - an excellent indication of the diversity of Scottish landscape. Joe Cornish still works analog, mainly to 4x5 "large format film, mostly on slide. If you leaf through these books come at a more than once the idea of the digital SLR but to leave home and again the old large-format giants to drag ... My absolute tip!

Joe Cornish has also participated in the two following books. "Working the Light - a landscape photography masterclass" and "Developing vision and style - a master class in landscape photography" are really textbooks. In my eyes its educational value is far below the quality and variety of sample images is shown. Two excellent books that call to each shot and the main camera settings. Tip!

Also highly recommended I think Ian Cameron "Transient light - a photographic guide to capturing the medium". Although intended as a textbook, this book also shows an abundance of great landscape photography. Many of them were photographed in an area in the east of Scotland, which in other books on injustice is often neglected. Cameron also photographed primarily analog, but rather he chooses a compromise between sharpness and mobility and is therefore working on 6x7cm medium format film.

Another one is designed as a textbook Band Peter Watson's "Capturing the Light - an inspirational and instructional guide to landscape photography. He also shows mainly analog photographed images that are often created with large format or medium format cameras. However, if only from the title (and from which the above these books) is quickly apparent that the camera and lens selection are rather marginal. It is more about the landscape in the best light each record. This is the lifeblood of landscape photography. can

All of these books I really recommend! And if any of you in times one or the other would look inside, let me know and come by for a coffee in my studio!

Soon I will have some books on the subject of photographic art imagine. So take a look often here on the blog over!

- Martin -

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mounting 38 Inch Tires

Every man rankings for Bavaria and Thuringia

So, I have the collection and evaluation of amateur and everyman's race in Bavaria and Thuringia, 2010 had been completed. Unfortunately, especially in Thuringia were still missing some results - I speak of "ghost race." Why organize some race organizers to present but no results?? Would be additional Advertising, if you would provide a great race report and results, then the following year would probably be some more drivers at the start.

The races are listed in the second table. In addition to the "everybody's cup" I've ever filtered out a "hobby-Cup". Interesting here is that somehow are only 3 races in the amateur standings in Thuringia. While Hobby and C race in Thuringia are so threatened apparently extinction is of the organizers all the more set to every man race where you can since March 2010, hobby-and C-driver at the same time start in a single race, and higher entry fee than license race may determine. Laudatory way it should be mentioned that the startup money illusion, we experience some everyman's race in Germany, in the most races in Thuringia has not kept feeding.

interesting finding in Bavaria: Without Jedermannrennen Maik Hamann is "only" at # 2;)

The rankings and the scoring system are available on my web site for Download . The rating system may also be used like other states. Would be found for each province one who evaluates all, you could even combine the results to a national ranking;)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Toggle Pokemon Cheats Gpsphone

3-4 days mandatory break

After dental surgery the next 3-4 days I can not play sports and make nothing real food and stuff. I just hope that I still have tomorrow to make a few gymnastic exercises, if only because of my back problems. And no later than 5 days I hope I can work out something on the roll, the whole matter of timing is a bit stupid. One does not on the roll, unless you have something to watch. And in my case the football games and skiing - and ski jumping goes from Friday to Sunday, exactly during my forced break. Monday, however ... who sees himself already at second division football ?!?!?!? :)

road training anyway just go with nothing, but that's why I had the surgery appointment so down. By the season opener at 10.4. Cadolzburg, at one of my favorite race this year, should still be enough time to then be in better shape than this year at the launch. Next year I definitely want the first Group will go through, ideally in the first race in the Top Ten. Presumably the first Group but consist of 10 drivers and I choose only the position of the 2nd fight Group for me, hehe;)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Women Matrabate With Water

is again set a floor - the floor

"fog above the Lindencarree from a distance it looks like snow. This can not but be, this would require snows it first. Thus, it remains mysterious and daring, the weather made and that the rain. "

After a brief stint in the poetry but now back to the house. Also in recent days has again done a lot. At this point I would like first to thank all who care in this weather at the construction site for the further emergence of the house. THANK YOU!

The rain can really get at these temperatures even throughout. As can not defend everything the sand-lime bricks and suck on ingredients available at the sky. If I install now in such a stone a water tap, I can then tap water?

But despite the weather has grown the next house. The upper floor has been created. The walls were built of sand-lime bricks again, the filigree cover is on it with the steel reinforcement and today should also benefit the concrete. Thus, the floor should be ready.

The photo is a somewhat familiar. That was the view even from the ground floor. But for the next few sections may Baur workers try something new. Sloping walls of the gable.

I complete for today with a call to all future new neighbors like the Lindencarree. Write to us as it is to live there. Such as "feels" the house to. Is there anything we should know, perhaps in order to possibly take into account in the construction phase? Notes can be used as comments directly on the blog or e-mail to me (see "About Me" box -> right) are given. Thank you!

the construction Reported

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Illegal blue Lollipops - just to remind

operates When cycling with 'precious road bike, then you get over time with certainly that the most blue-obligation to use the bike path signs are placed illegally. This is not new. Bike paths should be wide enough to allow it has also over 30 km / h and is still unendangered ride, they should of course be in a state that does not cry immediately after fat tires - and actually it should even run in the direction of the road. Has long been the law, have against the cities and towns but failed for years, with each Rotzweg that suit on the part of a then large tractors and pollute the ground, was fitted with a blue lollipop.

Recently, however, was again confirmed in a court ruling that you have to give as a racing driver is not unreasonable, in danger. You have to parked cars, pedestrians dreamy, the usual broad Nordic walkers and serpentine driving "Normalo-cyclists" no longer in rapid escape maneuvers in confined spaces. Okay, I had previously not more, because I fled to my first negative experience at an early stage completely unacceptable cycle paths on the road. This is much less dangerous and thus less stressful.

Today I was an illiterate deputy sheriff but again honked stupid on the B14 between Hartmannshof and Pommelsbrunn (which wanted to prove it well that he not only somewhat driving, but honk very well may), but that neither the left (railroad tracks) or right (forest) was a bike lane is clearly lost on him. hidden thought, well behind the railroad tracks is still a bike path, but is nunmal on the left side and I should in the B14 as a left turn just before a curve on this cycle ride - sorry, but that's too dangerous. And it's not a problem because the volume of traffic on this section of the B14 still very prejudice Ulich. Especially since I'm going anyway, as a rule the right of the white road boundary line. In fact, I drive so nothing in the B14, but ALSO;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Abortionthesis Question

press release team and last season report

On my site I have now published the final report on the race last season and otherwise I was angry at the third rainy day in a row. Since the motivation for training without race anyway bad for me and one in winter at low temperatures generally do not like trains (except, perhaps, the sky goes up and the sun shines a little), I use this day even to breathe. As a novice driver, one is not a professional, so you can leave it in the winter and occasionally a bit easier. A training session for lousy weather is also something that will empty the fuel tank instead of his mental to fill. Typically, a wheel unit for me is indeed refreshing to the mind, but not the current weather ...

The team sponsors search was completed, unlike the previous two years of success and the press release was distributed. She was cycling integrated most quickly. Some people seem to have got wind of it already before the release - because one feels almost like Schalke 04 and wants to go to Mole searched)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bleeding From Cervical Polyp Removal;

perfect six-pack - rain radar defective

The feared scenario, with six of my cycling in Bavaria on 2.7. Yesterday, that certainty: Altenkunstadt has sadly also reported on Saturday. Let's see how people turn their heads in the conference date, but simply because of the arrival route I'll go with the traditional weekend and Altenkunstadt Strullendorf. My hope is really just that Vaterstetten is still pushed to another day - or it would be possible by time ago to take part in two races, there is an evening Altenkunstadt criterion yes. To participate in the everyman's race Mainfrankentour I could do without, because the organization is not there anyway so the hit. But more on that in my season review if I will list pros and cons of the race.

The weather forecasts are all know that on some days completely wrong. Today it is the rain radar, which is totally wrong. If you look at this fact, then one could assume that there are now dry for hours, in Bavaria. Looking out the window but it rains for hours, the streets are "beautiful" wet and the sky is a single stock. What use does not recognize a rain radar, the continuous rain do? Is not that it would only look short, and then miss the rain radar - no, it rains throughout!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Engagement Congratulations Thank You


times today no photos ... But there are a lot new to report!
First, I have a new offer on the site, which is valid until Christmas: For the holiday season, I offer at discounted children's series! (yeah, next to my photo classes, I still work as a portrait photographer ...)

Ten Portraits of your child in the studio including a trigger (13x18) for just € 25 - or all images on CD for only € 50, - .
those who prefer something individual can the recordings of his offspring also at their pictures taken at home or at the place of his choice can! Such a series includes 30 photographs and costs including two prints (13x18) € 75, - . These photos instead of the two prints would only complete on CD € 100, - cost !

These series are of course available as a voucher to these prices!
agree interested, please call or email for an appointment!

Also running in my preparations for the upcoming photo production in Egypt in full swing. Photo briefings, equipment checks, customs arrangements (I'm going to write again soon more), complete any outstanding orders and and and ... That means for all participants currently running photography courses : Should you have any questions, please this is in the next few days, I maybe on production know how good is the local Internet connection! For smaller issues but I am always reachable by SMS.

also will soon be also new photo workshops ! The first, in late November to be announced in the newsletter, turns again to Portrait Photography on location. We will photograph in a small group in an old abandoned house. Many windows, old wallpaper, wooden floors, wooden stairs, old curtains ... a wealth of backgrounds, then! Focus will be here working with the model, the exploitation of available light mood as well as mixing of day and flash. (During the last course for mobile flash on location so mainly took care of the technical questions will get every participant of this course enough time with a model to the ambient lighting setups to photograph for successfully - so there will everyone with great shots come home!) the exact date I will in the next Newsletter announced. If someone has interest, he may already be set even now, by email to the prospective list!
In the near future follow other new photography courses : Still life illuminate interesting to master introduction to studio photography, introduction to the beauty, typical problems in portrait photography, Phoshoptechniken in landscape photography, Photoshop techniques for portrait photography ... Even for these courses is that you can now let you set already on the prospective list!

for this fall, I had a photo trip to Scotland announced, which I unfortunately had to cancel due to insufficient registrations. This was a planned tour operators, who specializes in the UK, which had increased but also the price. And now also a low cost, the Basel-Edinburgh has taken with its flight plan, so it is now easier to make such a journey to and independently on their feet. I'm working on now. booked early, so now you can conveniently fly from Geneva to Scotland - as worthwhile as even a 3-day short trip! And this of course (although I am now the third time again): The prospects waiting list already on entries!

More such short trips to photographic topics next year will also follow. What a weekend shooting in the Black Forest and the Vosges Mountains is planned, where we devote ourselves to the people photography with a model and appeal to image processing in the evening in a relaxed atmosphere with the same. For such offers I am currently also looking for suitable accommodation in Italy, Spain and France.